Github repo:
Project idea:
YouTube Video:
Localised GenAI model is the future for data privacy and security. But the expensive computing resources stoped many people from developing their own GenAI models. I saw an interesting project on GitHub which enabled running stable diffusion model on Rasberry Pi Zero with limited memory and computing resources by using attention slicing and quantization.
The project I saw is called OnnxStream, it makes use of XNNPACK to optimise how Stable Diffusion generates AI imagery. It was tested was using Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64-bit on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. Vito’s GitHub has more details on setting up OnnxStream on a Raspberry Pi with “every KB of RAM needed to run Stable Diffusion.” I tried to run it on my rasberry pi 4B which has 8GB ram and wrote this step-to-step guide to help people who are interested to build their own localised diffusion model.
In just 1.5 hours, OnnxStream produced a near identical output on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 to a PC
PermalinkLess memory usage than other stable diffusion models
This table shows the various inference times of the three models of Stable Diffusion 1.5, together with the memory consumption (i.e. the Peak Working Set Size
in Windows or the Maximum Resident Set Size
in Linux).
Model / Library | 1st run | 2nd run | 3rd run |
FP16 UNET / OnnxStream | 0.133 GB - 18.2 secs | 0.133 GB - 18.7 secs | 0.133 GB - 19.8 secs |
FP16 UNET / OnnxRuntime | 5.085 GB - 12.8 secs | 7.353 GB - 7.28 secs | 7.353 GB - 7.96 secs |
FP32 Text Enc / OnnxStream | 0.147 GB - 1.26 secs | 0.147 GB - 1.19 secs | 0.147 GB - 1.19 secs |
FP32 Text Enc / OnnxRuntime | 0.641 GB - 1.02 secs | 0.641 GB - 0.06 secs | 0.641 GB - 0.07 secs |
FP32 VAE Dec / OnnxStream | 1.004 GB - 20.9 secs | 1.004 GB - 20.6 secs | 1.004 GB - 21.2 secs |
FP32 VAE Dec / OnnxRuntime | 1.330 GB - 11.2 secs | 2.026 GB - 10.1 secs | 2.026 GB - 11.1 secs |
In the case of the UNET model (when run in FP16 precision, with FP16 arithmetic enabled in OnnxStream), OnnxStream can consume even 55x less memory than OnnxRuntime with a 50% to 200% increase in latency.
Summary of the bash command for setting up environment for building OnnxStream diffusion model on Rasberry pi
apt install git
apt install cmake
apt install tmux
wget "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
export PATH="${PATH}:/root/miniforge3/bin"
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
conda install ipykernel
jupyter lab --allow-root --ip="your-ip" --port=8082 --log-level=40 --no-browser
Permalink1.1 Install Git
apt install git
Permalink1.2 Install tmux
apt install tmux
Permalink1.3 Install miniconda
for installing miniconda on dietpi os:
wget "$(uname)-$(uname
add conda to system path
export PATH="${PATH}:/root/miniforge3/bin"
Permalink1.4 Install jupyterlab using miniconda
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
Permalink1.5 Install ipykernal
conda install ipykernel
Permalink1.6 Launch jupyter lab on Rasberry pi
jupyter lab --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password=''
jupyter lab --allow-root --ip="your-ip" --port=8082 --log-level=40 --no-browser
Permalink1.7 Copy the URL to your browser to access jupyter lab on Rasbberry pi
Permalink2.Build diffusion Model
Permalink2.1 Cline XNNPACK project
git clone
git rev-list -n 1 --before="2023-06-27 00:00" master
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --config Release
Permalink2.2 Clone OnnxStream project
Change <directory_where_xnnpack_was_cloned> to the folder of your XNNPACK clone path.
git clone
cd OnnxStream
cd src
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --config Release
PermalinkExporting Your Model
PermalinkOption A: Exporting from Hugging Face (Recommended)
from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline
import torch
pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_single_file("")
dummy_input = (torch.randn(1, 4, 64, 64), torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1, 77, 768))
input_names = ["sample", "timestep", "encoder_hidden_states"]
output_names = ["out_sample"]
torch.onnx.export(pipe.unet, dummy_input, "/path/to/save/unet_temp.onnx", verbose=False, input_names=input_names, output_names=output_names, opset_version=14, do_constant_folding=True, export_params=True)
PermalinkOption B: Manually Fixing Input Shapes
python -m --input_name sample --input_shape 1,4,64,64 model.onnx model_fixed1.onnx
python -m --input_name timestep --input_shape 1 model_fixed1.onnx model_fixed2.onnx
python -m --input_name encoder_hidden_states --input_shape 1,77,768 model_fixed2.onnx model_fixed3.onnx
Note by Vito: This can be achieved simply by following the approach outlined in "Option A" above, which remains the recommended approach. Making the input shapes fixed might be useful if your starting point is already an ONNX file.
PermalinkRunning ONNX Simplifier
python -m onnx_simplifier model_fixed3.onnx model_simplified.onnx
If you exported your model from Hugging Face, you'll need around 100GB of swap space.
If you manually fixed the input shapes, 16GB of RAM should suffice.
The process may take some time; please be patient.
PermalinkFinal Steps and Running the Model
Once you have the final model from onnx2txt
, move it into the unet_fp16
folder of the standard SD 1.5 model, which can be found in the Windows release of OnnxStream.
The command to run the model might look like this:
./sd --models-path ./Converted/ --prompt "space landscape" --steps 28 --rpi
PermalinkNote on the "Shape" Operator
If you see the "Shape" operator in the output of Onnx Simplifier or in onnx2txt.ipynb
, it indicates that Onnx Simplifier may not be functioning as expected. This issue is often not caused by Onnx Simplifier itself but rather by Onnx's Shape Inference.
PermalinkAlternative Solution
In such cases, you have the alternative to re-export the model by modifying the parameters of torch.onnx.export
. Locate this file on your computer:
And make sure to:
to 14Remove
After making these changes, you can rerun Onnx Simplifier and onnx2txt
Note by Vito: This solution, although working, generates ONNX files with Einsum operations. When OnnxStream supports the Einsum operator, this solution will become the recommended one.
This guide is designed to be a comprehensive resource for those looking to run a custom Stable Diffusion 1.5 model with OnnxStream. Additional contributions are welcome!
PermalinkRelated Projects
OnnxStreamGui by @ThomAce: a web and desktop user interface for OnnxStream.
Auto epaper art by @rvdveen: a self-contained image generation picture frame showing news.